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Nov 19, 2013

Making Sense Of It All

Whatever the weather, we're in it together! Well, the temperature has definitely been changing and I have found myself bundling up in every piece of warm clothing that I can find. Coats, hats, scarves, mitts, boots, and snowpants have been taken out of storage and now my little ones wear them with pride. I always giggle when I see the children in my class wearing all of their snow gear, because they remind me of little penguins waddling outside into the cold. We must not forget how long it takes them to get ready for their 10 minute recess. They are so proud of getting themselves all adorned in their winter wear, only to find themselves turning around to come back inside soon after. Who doesn't love the winter?
Snow getting into your shoes and melting. The nippy wind blowing on your ears until they burn with cold. Your hands becoming so chilly that you can't even wipe your nose. What about having to wear all of those layers ha ha. No, winter weather is wonderful and despite these few joys, I really do love this time of year.
We have been very busy in room 109 these past few weeks. I am going to travel back in time to give you an inside look at some of the exciting moments we have shared. On Halloween, the primary classes had a costume parade through the school, in which they displayed their colourful and unique outfits.

We then took part in 5 stations that focused on using our 5 senses.

Station #1 Sight

The children wore funny glasses and reading fingers to peruse through seasonal books. Don't you just love the first photo?

Station #2 Taste

The children were given the opportunity to create pumpkin faces using crackers, cheese, and raisins. They followed step-by-step instructions to make their masterpieces.

Station #3 Touch

The children loved this station! They were presented with numerous socks that were filled with different food products ( dairy, meat, bread & cereal, vegetables/fruit ). They had to reach into each sock and guess what food was inside, just by touching.

Station #4 Smell

At this station, the children had to smell each container and guess what was inside. Some of the contents were the following: onion, chicken nuggets, cinnamon.

Station #5 Hearing
This station was a whole group activity. The children listened as I read the story "Crankenstein" by Samantha Berger. They then went and wrote about what makes them cranky and completed their project with an art lesson. I think they turned out adorable!

Here are a few photos of our Smartie Graphing activity (another yummy learning time). Would you believe that every box of Smarties has a different amount inside? One little boy had 5 Smarties of every colour in his box! I know, hard to believe, but I saw it with my own eyes.

Just too cute for words!

Our Trip To Windreach Farms
What a wonderful time was had by all! The children had a hands-on experience learning about farm animals. They were given the opportunity to feed the goats, pigs, and bunnies. The looks on some of their faces were priceless. One little girl even lost her glove to a hungry goat. She stood crying over her lost glove, while the goat simply chewed away without a care in the world.
The children loved learning about the horses and even had an up-close tour inside the stables. They had an opportunity to see in the stalls and where the horses were given their baths. A few of the farm workers asked for volunteers to clean the horse manure out of the stalls; however, there were no takers (who would have guessed?) ha ha.
Overall, between tractor rides, tours, animal visits, playground equipment, and enjoying each other's company, we had a great class trip!
Here are some photos of our farm experience.

Buster the Bus

Buster the bus visited our school last week and taught the children all about bus safety. We were given very important tips for lining up to go on a bus and for exiting safely. Unfortunately, due to a tight schedule, Buster was unable to have his photo taken with our whole class. Here is just a quick glimpse of our bright, yellow friend.

Congratulations to our October Character Award Winners!

Character Trait: Teamwork
This has been quite a long post; however, I hope you enjoyed all of the photos. I had so many wonderful moments to share,  I just had to add them all. Our school concert will be coming soon! I will provide updates as the time draws closer. So for now, keep bundled up and enjoy the warm hugs from your little sweeties.
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