Anyways, I brought in a huge bag filled with different types of shoes (they couldn't see what was inside my bag). As I pulled out each pair, I talked to the children about why and where I would wear particular shoes. For example, I wouldn't wear high heels to gym class because they would be dangerous and I could trip or fall when I am running. Also, I wouldn't wear my husband's shoes to school because they would be uncomfortable, extremely big for me, and they are not my style.
In comparison, the same is true when selecting a book. We don't want to choose books that are too easy for us because we wouldn't have a challenge or expand our reading vocabulary. On the other hand, we wouldn't pick too hard a book because we may not be able to understand what is happening in the story. Just right books are the right fit for us. Everyone may not be reading the same level; however, that level is "just right" for them. Just like shoes - what fits me and is my style may not be the same as someone else. We choose our books based on the I-Pick strategy.
In comparison, the same is true when selecting a book. We don't want to choose books that are too easy for us because we wouldn't have a challenge or expand our reading vocabulary. On the other hand, we wouldn't pick too hard a book because we may not be able to understand what is happening in the story. Just right books are the right fit for us. Everyone may not be reading the same level; however, that level is "just right" for them. Just like shoes - what fits me and is my style may not be the same as someone else. We choose our books based on the I-Pick strategy.
I choose a book
Purpose - Why do I want to read it?
Interest - Does it interest me?
Comprehend - Am I understanding what I read?
Know - Do I know most of the words?
Overall, the children thought it was hilarious trying on different shoes and realizing that everyone doesn't have the same size of feet. Who knew? My husband, on the other hand, called me during the evening from work wondering where his shoes had gone. Oops...I failed to let him know my important lesson for that day required his shoes...haha...Makes me wonder what he finally did wear to work.
I believe the saying is true
If the shoe fits, wear it!
If the shoe fits, wear it!
We also increased our reading stamina up to 12 minutes of uninterrupted reading time. Yeah!!
As the week progressed we found ourselves looking towards the future. Bellwood Public School was to celebrate its 25th anniversary on Wednesday, September 25th and we needed to leave our mark. Our grade one team put our heads together to decide what we wanted to do to share in the festivities. Bouncing ideas off each other, we finally came up with an old film theme. We chose Stars of the Future as our title and asked the children to tell us what they thought they would be in 25 years. The writing portion of the project was so cute. We had such diverse answers, from doctors and firefighters, to joining the spy kids team, and running an ice-cream truck. Very sweet answers!!
For the drawing portion of the project, the children were given a blown up photocopy of themselves. The boys were to draw mustaches and beards and the girls were asked to put makeup and jewellery on. They were so excited that cheers were heard down the hall. The makeup of the future is definitely heading towards shocking pinks and yellows and vibrant green (look out Revlon). A few girls even chose to dye their hair neon pink. Wow! I can't wait to see them in 25 years! To give them some ideas of what mustaches look like, they were able to try some on for size. Even the girls got in on the fun and let me tell was so much fun my family had to get in on it.
For the drawing portion of the project, the children were given a blown up photocopy of themselves. The boys were to draw mustaches and beards and the girls were asked to put makeup and jewellery on. They were so excited that cheers were heard down the hall. The makeup of the future is definitely heading towards shocking pinks and yellows and vibrant green (look out Revlon). A few girls even chose to dye their hair neon pink. Wow! I can't wait to see them in 25 years! To give them some ideas of what mustaches look like, they were able to try some on for size. Even the girls got in on the fun and let me tell was so much fun my family had to get in on it.
Now I "mustache" you a question. Don't you think our first grade children are full of greatness?
On to planning our next week of wonder-filled learning!
Sight Word Rings
This week, you should look forward to your child bringing home their sight word rings. When they can read the words fluently and confidently (not just in order), return them for the next word list.
Your child will be bringing home 5 words to practise this week. Please have your child go over these words numerous times in order to prepare them for their spelling test on Friday.
Home Reading
Home reading begins this week! Your child will be bringing home a new book on Monday. Please have them read to everyone! Parents, friends, grandparents, pets, stuffed toys etc.. The more practice, the more confident and fluent they will become as a reader.
Weekly Math Focus (Apples)
Our math for this week will focus on patterning (AB, ABC, ABBA), reading and writing number words, graphing, as well as, one-to-one correspondence. We are celebrating apple week in room 109. We will be tasting different types of apples and graphing our favourites. We will be measuring the height of apples and investigating whether apples float or sink. We will also be reading many apple books and looking at the features of non-fiction. By the end of the week, we are looking forward to making applesauce together and using our 5 senses. It is going to be a fantastic week!!
Stop by our blog next weekend for a photo gallery of our learning experiences.